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Bottom-Friendly Starbucks Egg White Bites



Active Time:

30 min

Total Time:

1 hr

Why is this better on your bottom?

  • Plant-based dairy alternatives 

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  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and place a large cookie sheet on the lower rack.

  2. Place a saucepan over high heat and add water. Bring to a boil.

  3. Place all the ingredients for the egg white base in a blender and blend until smooth.

    For the roasted red pepper egg white bites: Mix the chopped roasted red peppers and scallions in a bowl and set aside.

  4. For the bacon cheddar egg white bites: Place a skillet over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the chopped bacon and cook until crispy, ~7 minutes (frequently stir to ensure the bacon gets crispy all around). Place the cooked bacon on a plate lined with paper towels and set aside.

  5. Prepare a muffin tin by spraying it with non-stick cooking spray.

  6. For the roasted red pepper egg white bites: Place 1/2-1 tbsp of the roasted red pepper mixture at the bottom of each muffin tin. Steal mixture from other cups if needed to spread out the mixture more evenly amongst the 12 tins.

  7. For the bacon cheddar egg white bites: Sprinkle enough cheese in each tin to cover the bottom. Top the cheese with bacon, stealing bacon from other cups if needed to spread out the mixture more evenly amongst the 12 tins.

  8. Pour the egg white mixture, filling each tin 3/4 way up.

  9. Pour the boiling water into the cookie sheet in the oven. Be very careful and keep back a little bit in case your cookie sheet buckles some. It's okay if it does, you just want to make sure to protect the goods (your face, duh). Place the muffin tin on the wrack above the cookie sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes.

  10. Serve warm and bottoms up!


For the egg white base (recipe makes 12):

  • 2 C egg whites

  • 6 oz. vegan cream cheese or sour cream (it needs to be really thick like Tofutti)

  • Salt to taste

  • Pepper to taste

For the Roasted Red Pepper filling:

  • 6 oz. fire roasted red peppers, chopped

  • 2 scallions, chopped

For the Bacon & Cheddar filling:

  • 6 strips of thick-cut bacon, diced into 1-inch cubes

  • 3-4 oz vegan cheddar shreds (make sure to buy the kind that melts!)

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